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how to manipulate dates in doctrine

i have this date field (date_born) in a table in my bd, which is the date of birth of a person (type: date).

im using codeignater, and im also using doctrine.

the thing is that i want to count how many people are adults and how many are kids, so i built this:

public function countAdults(){
    $this->qb = $this->em->createQueryBuilder();
            ->from($this->tbl_name, 'u')
                $this->qb->expr()->eq("u.date_born >'1995-01-01'")

    $query = $this->qb->getQuery();
    return $query->getSingleScalarResult();

this is clearly, returning an error.

How can i rebuild this, in an optimus way, to count the people who was born before 1995? (now 18)


  • I recommend the following

    • Use the lte expression to compare the dates instead of evaluating with eq
    • Provide an instance of PHP's DateTime as Doctrine will happily accept that, and in general prefers objects over anything else.
    • To make this instance of DateTime automatically calculate when 18 years ago was, so that you don't have to change it each year.
    • To bind this object with the setParameters() method.


    public function countAdults()
        $eighteenYearsAgo = new \DateTime();
        $eighteenYearsAgo->modify('-18 years');
        $this->qb = $this->em->createQueryBuilder();
            ->from($this->tbl_name, 'u')
                $qb->expr()->lte('u.date_born', ':date_born'))
                'date_born' => $eighteenYearsAgo,
        return $this->qb->getQuery()->getSingleScalarResult();