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How can I upload files to Redmine via ActiveResource / REST API?

I am trying to batch-upload images to Redmine and link them each to a certain wiki pages.

The docs (Rest_api, Using the REST API with Ruby) mention some aspects, but the examples fail in various ways. I also tried to derive ideas from the source - without success.

Can anyone provide a short example that shows how to upload and link an image from within Ruby?


  • This is a bit tricky as both attachments and wiki APIs are relatively new, but I have done something similar in the past. Here is a minimal working example using rest-client:

    require 'rest_client'
    require 'json'
    key = '5daf2e447336bad7ed3993a6ebde8310ffa263bf'
    upload_url = "http://localhost:3000/uploads.json?key=#{key}"
    wiki_url = "http://localhost:3000/projects/some_project/wiki/some_wiki.json?key=#{key}"
    img ='/some/image.png')
    # First we upload the image to get attachment token
    response =, img, {
      :multipart => true,
      :content_type => 'application/octet-stream'
    token = JSON.parse(response)['upload']['token']
    # Redmine will throw validation errors if you do not
    # send a wiki content when attaching the image. So
    # we just get the current content and send that
    wiki_text = JSON.parse(RestClient.get(wiki_url))['wiki_page']['text']
    response = RestClient.put(wiki_url, {
      :attachments => {
        :attachment1 => { # the hash key gets thrown away - name doesn't matter
          :token => token,
          :filename => 'image.png',
          :description => 'Awesome!' # optional
      :wiki_page => {
        :text => wiki_text # original wiki text