I have the following string:
I need it to look like: 1.234.567.89
How can i do this?
This is what i tried:
NSString* cleanedString = [myString stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:@"." withString:@""];
cleanedString = [[cleanedString stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:@"," withString:@"."]
stringByTrimmingCharactersInSet: [NSCharacterSet symbolCharacterSet]];
It works, but I think there must be a better way. Suggestions?
If your number always after $, but you got more characters before it, you can make it like this:
NSString* test = @"R$1.234.567,89";
NSString* test2 = @"TESTERR$1.234.567,89";
NSString* test3 = @"HEllo123344R$1.234.567,89";
NSLog(@"%@",[self makeCleanedText:test]);
NSLog(@"%@",[self makeCleanedText:test2]);
NSLog(@"%@",[self makeCleanedText:test3]);
method is:
- (NSString*) makeCleanedText:(NSString*) text{
int indexFrom = 0;
for (NSInteger charIdx=0; charIdx<[text length]; charIdx++)
if ( '$' == [text characterAtIndex:charIdx])
indexFrom = charIdx + 1;
text = [text stringByReplacingOccurrencesOfString:@"," withString:@"."];
return [text substringFromIndex:indexFrom];
result is:
2013-10-20 22:35:39.726 test[40546:60b] 1.234.567.89
2013-10-20 22:35:39.728 test[40546:60b] 1.234.567.89
2013-10-20 22:35:39.731 test[40546:60b] 1.234.567.89