I'm trying to use the creative gesture camera in Processing. I started with the Intel Perceptual Computing SDK, and ran into an issue.
I want to get the hand openness, and I am running into some issues - no matter what, the hand.openness returns 0. It otherwise runs quite well...
Some Sample code I'm trying to get to work: If you open your hand it starts printing to the console, close it and it stops.
import intel.pcsdk.*;
PXCUPipeline session;
PXCMGesture.GeoNode hand = new PXCMGesture.GeoNode();
void setup()
session = new PXCUPipeline(this);
void draw()
if(session.QueryGeoNode(PXCMGesture.GeoNode.LABEL_BODY_HAND_PRIMARY|PXCMGesture.GeoNode.LABEL_OPEN, hand)) //Only when primary hand is open
rect(0, 0, 10, 10);
println(hand.openness + " : " + frameCount); //Openness should be from 0 to 100
Using the current version of Processing (2.0.3), Perceptual Computing SDK Version 7383.
Try updating the version of the SDK you're using if your project will allow it, there were quite a few bugs with getting attributes such as openess, openessState, radius, to name a few with the processing library (some attributes would even throw a null pointer exception when trying to retrieve them). I believe these have all been fixed in the recent versions, along with the inclusion of 64 bit processing support.