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Determining the key of a Vigenere Cipher if key length is known

I'm struggling to get my head around the Vigenere Cipher when you know the length of the key but not what it is. I can decipher text if I know the key but I'm confused as to how to work out what the key actually is.

For one example I'm given cipher text and a key length of 6. That's all I'm given, I'm told the key is an arbitrary set of letters that don't necessarily have to make up a word in the english language, in other words, a random set of letters.

With this knowledge I've only so far broken up the cipher text into 6 subtexts, each containing the letters encrypted by the key letters so the first subtext contains every 6th letter starting with the first. The second every 6th letter starting with the second letter and so on.

What do I do now?


  • You calculate a letter frequency table for each letter of the key. If, as in your example, the key length is 6, you get 6 frequency tables. You should get similar frequencies, although not for the same letters. If you do not, the you have the wrong key length.

    Now you check letter frequency tables for English (for example, see If the pattern does not match, the clear text was not in English. If it does, assign the most frequent letters in each subtext to the most frequent letters in the frequency table etc. and see what you get. You should note that your text may have slightly different frequencies, the reference tables are statistics based on a large amount of data. Now you need to use you head.

    Using common digrams (such as th and sh in English) can help.