I was unable to find the solution to this problem:
I use one in a webworks app. It's supose that this input will accept integers and float numbers.
The problem is: When I insert some data, for example 3.1415 the device removes the dot and inserts 31415.
I'm not using the input types inside a form so the "novalidate" option isn't possible.
I tried a lot of stuff to fix the problem. Any Idea?
Possible solutions(tricks): - Use type = text and force the keyboard layout to be the numeric one. - Disable the validation to this input (and no others).
Do you know how to do that? Do you know other solutions?
Regards. Pablo.
This is a know bug in Blackberry 10.
There are posts about it in their support forum, here is a link to one of them.
The only real way around it is to use a standard text input and validate the content yourself until this bug is fixed.