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What is a None value?

I have been studying Python, and I read a chapter which describes the None value, but unfortunately this book isn't very clear at some points. I thought that I would find the answer to my question, if I share it there.

I want to know what the None value is and what do you use it for?

And also, I don't get this part of the book:

Assigning a value of None to a variable is one way to reset it to its original, empty state.

What does that mean?

The answers were great, although I didn't understand most of answers due to my low knowledge of the computer world (I haven't learned about classes, objects, etc.). What does this sentence mean?

Assigning a value of None to a variable is one way to reset it to its original, empty state.


Finally I've got my answer from looking to different answers. I must appreciate all the people who put their times to help me (especially Martijn Pieters and DSM), and I wish that I could choose all answers as the best, but the selection is limited to one. All of the answers were great.


  • Martijn's answer explains what None is in Python, and correctly states that the book is misleading. Since Python programmers as a rule would never say

    Assigning a value of None to a variable is one way to reset it to its original, empty state.

    it's hard to explain what Briggs means in a way which makes sense and explains why no one here seems happy with it. One analogy which may help:

    In Python, variable names are like stickers put on objects. Every sticker has a unique name written on it, and it can only be on one object at a time, but you could put more than one sticker on the same object, if you wanted to. When you write

    F = "fork"

    you put the sticker "F" on a string object "fork". If you then write

    F = None

    you move the sticker to the None object.

    What Briggs is asking you to imagine is that you didn't write the sticker "F", there was already an F sticker on the None, and all you did was move it, from None to "fork". So when you type F = None, you're "reset[ting] it to its original, empty state", if we decided to treat None as meaning empty state.

    I can see what he's getting at, but that's a bad way to look at it. If you start Python and type print(F), you see

    >>> print(F)
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
    NameError: name 'F' is not defined

    and that NameError means Python doesn't recognize the name F, because there is no such sticker. If Briggs were right and F = None resets F to its original state, then it should be there now, and we should see

    >>> print(F)

    like we do after we type F = None and put the sticker on None.

    So that's all that's going on. In reality, Python comes with some stickers already attached to objects (built-in names), but others you have to write yourself with lines like F = "fork" and A = 2 and c17 = 3.14, and then you can stick them on other objects later (like F = 10 or F = None; it's all the same.)

    Briggs is pretending that all possible stickers you might want to write were already stuck to the None object.