I created an app with images, and I added them via Android Icon Set
wizard. The wizard created 3 versions for the images - mdpi, hdpi, xhdpi.
I published my app on google play, and I got a crash reports from users that have ldpi screen. The exception was Caused by: android.content.res.Resources$NotFoundException: File from drawable resource ID #0x7f02007f
The drawable was exists in mdpi, hdpi and xhdpi and the app worked to the rest of the users.
So I guess that the problem was that the drawable dose not exists in its ldpi version.
So my questions are:
1) Is there any way to say to the app to auto scale the mdpi drawables instead of crashing?
2) For support ldpi screens, must I edit the images to ldpi size?
This is a common error of different densities management, so these are the answers to your questions.
1.- No, in the way your assets are stored but Yes, "ONLY if your asset is in a lower hierarchy of your current density" for example: If you have assets in drawable(default non specific density) and drawable-ldpi AND you run the app in a Medium Density Device, the OS will try to resize your Images from -ldpi to your density (if using dps in the Image but will cost memory). The way the OS handles the Assets is the following:
Lets say you have:
If you are running an app in a HIGH Density device the OS first will try to find your asset in drawable-hdpi, but since it doesn't exist it will start going down the hierarchy until it finds it, so in this case it will not find it in drawable-hdpi but will find it in drawable-mdpi and will use that one to populate, everything will be fine but will cost in memory the difference of densities in the assets.
Now the exact error you have comes to play when the OS goes down the assets folder hierarchy and goes until the end and do not find anything for example:
Lets say you have:
If you run this app, in HIGH Desnity Device it will run perfect, because will find the asset in the first try and will never go down the hierarchy, same case for Extra High Density Device because if it doesnt find it in drawable-xhdpi it will find it in the next step when going down the hierarchy to drawable-hdpi and will work just fine, but for MEDIUM Density, however, first it will try to find it in drawable-mdpi since its not there, will go down and try to find it in drawable-ldpi no luck either so it will go to the "default (drawable)" which is a good practice to contain all the assets in an average size to at least make the app look blurry than crashing, since the OS will not find the Asset either BOOOM no resource found, there you have your exception, this mechanism applies for pretty much any resource in Android
2.- YES, you must create your assets in ldpi and store them either in drawable-ldpi or drawable(default - no density) in order to make it look good.
All this information has been taken out of a book and if you still have doubts, create an empty Android Project in Eclipse and notice how the SDK creates one icon_launcher.png img in each density with a specific size to handle exactly this issue. As a recommendation in my experience I've found useful to always take care of all the densities, but more important having all my assets with an average density/quality in the default folder to avoid this exact issue in case you could forget one density during development, is better a blurry asset than a crash.
Hope this Helps.