I'm sending some data from my application to a php file which may print 3 different things on the screen (if I would open it in my browser), I'm sending something to my URL like so:
sendtourl PROC
invoke lstrcpy,addr _urlTmp ,addr _url
invoke lstrcat, addr _urlTmp , addr lpszNumber ;----- add parameter to url
invoke InternetOpen,addr _agent, 0 ,0,0,0 ;----- specify user agent
test eax,eax
jz _exit
mov [InternetHandle],eax
invoke InternetOpenUrl, InternetHandle,ADDR _urlTmp, 0 ,0,0, 0 ;----- open URL
test eax,eax
jz _exit
mov [FileHandle],eax
invoke InternetReadFile,FileHandle,addr FileBuffer,1023, addr BytesRead
test eax,eax
jz _exit
mov eax,[BytesRead]
mov b[FileBuffer+eax],0
; invoke Sleep,600000
invoke InternetCloseHandle, [FileHandle]
invoke InternetCloseHandle, [InternetHandle]
invoke InternetCloseHandle,[FileHandle]
invoke InternetCloseHandle,[InternetHandle]
;;invoke ExitProcess,0
sendtourl ENDP
Now there may be 1 of 3 things printed depending on what was sent to the url: yes, no, maybe
Is it possible to take this output and put it back in some variable in my application so I may reuse it, for example:
The sending part works fine, I just can't figure out how can I get the response ?
The response from the web page should be in FileBuffer
. As it is text, you will have to parse the response content in the buffer, skipping over the response header, and isolate out the text that you are looking for, then compare it to the ASCII character values to determine what it is (or use a string/character comparison function from one of the MASM libraries).