I have two projects. First is a Windows Forms Application project and second is a class library project. Сlass library project works with FANN. Windows Forms is Startup Project.
I should have Fann.Net.dll and fanndoubleMT.dll to work with the FANN. I downloaded these libraries and put their in a folder lib, located in the root of the solution.
I added Fann.Net.dll as external dll to the class library project. I compiled the project. I got an error that says "Unable to load DLL 'fanndoubleMT.dll'. I fixed this error by adding fanndoubleMT.dll to the folder Windows_Forms_Application\bin\Debug.
I think this is a terrible solution to the problem, because I use git, and every time you need to transfer dll to this folder on the new workplace.
Sincerely, Denis.
You may try this:
Suggested in the link http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/1b1b316a-8648-4243-a651-84de51fd2508/reference-native-dll-from-managed-c-project?forum=vssmartdevicesvbcs.