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ExcelPackage and 98 thousand rows

I want to write an excel file (2007) with the codeplex excelpackage but it is taking a lot of time to write the excel file. I didn't find any method that it could accept a datasource.

the piece of my code:

var newFile = new FileInfo(GlobalVariables.Compare2007Path);

using (var excelpackage = new ExcelPackage(newFile))
  var myWorkbook = excelpackage.Workbook;

  var xlWorkSheet = xlWorkBook.Worksheets["sheetname"];

  //loop the data and fill the columns
  var rowCount = 2;
  foreach (var compare in objCompare)
    xlWorkSheet.Cell(rowCount, 1).Value = compare.adserverIdSite.ToString();
    xlWorkSheet.Cell(rowCount, 2).Value =;
    xlWorkSheet.Cell(rowCount, 3).Value = compare.adserverIdZone.ToString();
    xlWorkSheet.Cell(rowCount, 4).Value =;
    xlWorkSheet.Cell(rowCount, 5).Value = compare.position;
    xlWorkSheet.Cell(rowCount, 6).Value = compare.weekday;
    xlWorkSheet.Cell(rowCount, 7).Value = compare.oldimps.ToString();
    xlWorkSheet.Cell(rowCount, 8).Value = compare.olduu.ToString();
    xlWorkSheet.Cell(rowCount, 9).Value = compare.oldimpsuu.ToString();
    xlWorkSheet.Cell(rowCount, 10).Value = compare.newimps.ToString();
    xlWorkSheet.Cell(rowCount, 11).Value = compare.newuu.ToString();
    xlWorkSheet.Cell(rowCount, 12).Value = compare.newimpsuu.ToString();
    xlWorkSheet.Cell(rowCount, 13).Value = compare.diffimps.ToString();
    xlWorkSheet.Cell(rowCount, 14).Value = compare.diffimpsperc.ToString();

Or are there other options besides excelpackage.


  • I found my solution for the performance of the excel package. It's a patch you need to apply on the excelPackage. The patch can be found here. Look for the id : 1042 or for the update 1233 (more features in that patch).

    With the patch, you are able to add a datatable on an empty sheet. The adding of 98000 records with 14 columns was done in seconds.