Computer: Mac OS X, version 10.8 Database: Postgres
Trying to import csv file into postgres.
pg> copy items_ordered from '/users/darchcruise/desktop/items_ordered.csv' with CSV;
ERROR: could not open file "/users/darchcruise/desktop/items_ordered.csv" for reading: Permission denied
Then I tried
$> chown postgres /users/darchcruise/desktop/items_ordered.csv
chown: /users/darchcruise/desktop/items_ordered.csv: Operation not permitted
Lastly, I tried
$> ls -l
-rw-r--r-- 1 darchcruise staff 1016 Oct 18 21:04 items_ordered.csv
Any help is much appreciated!
chmod a+rX /users/darchcruise/ /users/darchcruise/desktop /users/darchcruise/desktop/items_ordered.csv
This will change access rights for your folder. Note that everyone will be able to read your file. You can't use chown being a user without administrative rights. Also consider learning umask to ease creation of shared files.