i am trying to get all the colums of my data frame to be in the same scale..
right now i have something like this... where a is on a 0-1 scale b is on a 100 scale and c is on a 1-5 scale
a b c
0 89 4
1 93 3
0 88 5
How would i get it to a 100scale like this...
a b c
0 89 80
100 93 60
0 88 100
i hope that is somewhat clear.. i have tried scale() but can not seem to get it to work.
Using scale
, if dat
is the name of your data frame:
## for one column
dat$a <- scale(dat$a, center = FALSE, scale = max(dat$a, na.rm = TRUE)/100)
## for every column of your data frame
dat <- data.frame(lapply(dat, function(x) scale(x, center = FALSE, scale = max(x, na.rm = TRUE)/100)))
For a simple case like this, you could also write your own function.
fn <- function(x) x * 100/max(x, na.rm = TRUE)
# [1] 0 100 0
## to one column
dat$a <- fn(dat$a)
## to all columns of your data frame
dat <- data.frame(lapply(dat, fn))