Consider this example:
> x = User.first # or any persisted Mongoid::Document
=> #<User _id: 52014532a6356d1ac9000001, ...>
> x.set :foo, :bar
=> :bar
> x.set :foo2, 'bar'
=> "bar"
Note that "foo" and "foo2" are not declared in Ruby anywhere.
THEN, in a MongoDB shell:
> db.users.findOne({_id: ObjectId('52014532a6356d1ac9000001')})
"_id" : ObjectId("52014532a6356d1ac9000001"),
"foo" : "bar",
"foo2" : "bar",
BUT NOW, back in Ruby:
> x = User.find; nil # to clear out any possibility of metadata on the instance
=> nil
> [x.read_attribute(:foo), x.read_attribute(:foo2)]
=> [:bar, "bar"]
How does it know?
Seens like BSON supports a symbol type for values, googling around I found it: