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Comparing two DataTables by specific column in C#

I am fairly new to C#, but I was able to pull in data from an excel document to a datatable and also data from a sql stored procedure into a datatable. Now I need to loop through the excel datatable to find anything that does not match from the sql datatable. I would also like the matching to begin at a certain column name which is not necessarily the first column. Any ideas or pointers? Thank you!!

Here is my code

foreach (DataRow row in excelTb.Rows) // Loop over the rows.
    Console.WriteLine("--- Row ---"); // Print separator.
    foreach (var item in row.ItemArray) // Loop over the items.
        Console.Write("Item: "); // Print label.
        Console.WriteLine(item); // Invokes ToString abstract method.
Console.Read(); // Pause.*/


  • I am not sure if I get your intentions right, but just for compering rows from one datatable to another on certain column you could try this:

    private void compareDataTables()
      // I assume that datatables are of same length
      for(int i = 0; i < excelDataTable.Rows.Count; i++)
        // Assuming that given columns in both datatables are of same type
        if(excelDataTable.Rows[i]["col_name"] == sqlDataTable.Rows[i]["col_name"])
          //your code

    Printing column names:

    string names = "Excel table: \n";
    foreach (DataColumn dc in excelDataTable.Columns)
        names += dc.ColumnName+"\n";
    names += "Sql table: \n";
    foreach (DataColumn dc in sqlDataTable.Columns)
                        names += dc.ColumnName+"\n";