Search code examples

tablesorter custom display group header

First, I am using TableSorter 2.11.1 and jquery 1.9.1.

i used this demo to group my rows ( I sort my table by the date and i am grouping it by week like this image

enter image description here

What i want is to add the total of the price of the week in the grouping bar. like the number of rows in the week.

I search in the widget-grouping.js and i find the code to count the number of rows in the week

$tr = c.$table.find('').bind('selectstart', false);
        if (wo.group_count) {
                $(this).find('.group-count').html( wo.group_count.replace(/\{num\}/g, $(this).nextUntil('').filter(':visible').length) );

I am not a expert in jquery so i can't find a way to get the price and add it to the group header.


  • Actually your question made me realize that the grouping widget lacked this functionality. So, I added two new options in version 2.12.0 (new grouping widget demo):

    • group_callback - function which allows you to modify the group header text
    • group_complete - event name triggered on the table after the grouping widget has completed.

    So now you can do something like this (demo):

    var total = 0,
        targetColumn = 1,
        $table = $('table');
    $table.on('groupingComplete', function(){
        // don't include the group header rows
        $table.find('tbody tr:not(.group-header)').each(function(){
            total += parseFloat( $(this).find('td').eq(targetColumn).text() );
        $table.find('.group-header .total').html( total );
        theme: 'blue',
        widthFixed: true,
        widgets: ['group'],
        widgetOptions: {
            // text added to the group header - {num} is the number of rows in that group
            group_count: ' ({num})',
            // add a group subtotal to the "Numeric" column
            group_callback: function ($cell, $rows, column, table) {
                // callback allowing modification of the group header labels
                // $cell = current table cell (containing group header cells '.group-name' & '.group-count'
                // $rows = all of the table rows for the current group; table = current table (DOM)
                // column = current column being sorted/grouped
                if (column === targetColumn) {
                    var t, subtotal = 0;
                    $rows.each(function () {
                        subtotal += parseInt($(this).find('td').eq(column).text());
                    t = '; <span class="subtotal">' + subtotal + 
                        '</span>/<span class="total"></span>';

    If you need to target more than one column, you can change targetColumn into an array, then use targetColumn.indexOf(column) >= 0 instead of column === targetColumn.