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Multiple databases with MongoRepository

I'm using Mongo Repository to talk to a mongo database.

Here is my connection string.

   <!-- See for more info -->
   <add name="MongoServerSettings" connectionString="mongodb://myDomain:27017/myDatabase1" />

I then use it like this:

using System;
using System.Linq;
using MongoRepository;

class Program
    static MongoRepository<Customer> customerrepo = new MongoRepository<Customer>();

    static void Main(string[] args)

        //Add customers
        var john = new Customer() { FirstName = "John", LastName = "Doe" };
        var jane = new Customer() { FirstName = "Jane", LastName = "Doe" };
        var jerry = new Customer() { FirstName = "Jerry", LastName = "Maguire" };
        customerrepo.Add(new[] { john, jane, jerry });

This works fine. But how can I configure it so it can talk to 2 or more databases.



  • The MongoRepository<T> class has a constructor that takes a connection string or a mongo url as parameter.

    If you want a repository on myDatabase2 just instante a MongoRepository with the correct connection string. Ex:

    var customerRepoOnDb2 = new MongoRepository<Customer>("mongodb://myServer/myDatabase2");

    You can add the connection string to your config:

      <add name="MongoServerSettings" connectionString="mongodb://myDomain:27017/myDatabase1" />
      <add name="MongoServerSettings2" connectionString="mongodb://..." />


    var customerRepoOnDb2 = new MongoRepository<Customer>(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["MongoServerSettings2"].ConnectionString);