I'm looking for an algorithm that takes a directed, weighted graph (with positive integer weights) and finds the cycle in the graph with the smallest average weight (as opposed to total weight).
Based on similar questions (but for total weight), I considered applying a modification of the Floyd–Warshall algorithm, but it would rely on the following property, which does not hold (thank you Ron Teller for providing a counterexample to show this): "For vertices U,V,W, if there are paths p1,p2 from U to V, and paths p3,p4 from V to W, then the optimal combination of these paths to get from U to W is the better of p1,p2 followed by the better of p3,p4."
What other algorithms might I consider that don't rely on this property?
Edit: Moved the following paragraph, which is no longer relevant, below the question.
While this property seems intuitive, it doesn't seem to hold in the case of two paths that are equally desirable. For example, if p1 has total weight 2 and length 2, and p2 has total weight 3 and length 3, neither one is better than the other. However, if p3 and p4 have greater total weights than lengths, p2 is preferable to p1. In my desired application, weights of each edge are positive integers, so this property is enforced and I think I can assume that, in the case of a tie, longer paths are better. However, I still can't prove that this works, so I can't verify the correctness of any algorithm relying on it.
I can suggest another algorithm.
Let's fix C. Now substract C from all weights. How would the answer change? If we substracted the same number from all weights then the average weight of each cycle decreased on the same number C. Now let's check wether we have cycles with negative average weight. The condition of being of negative average weight is equal to condition of being of negative weight. So it's enough to check wether we have cycle with negative weight. We can do it using Bellman-Ford algorithm. If we have such a cycle then the answer is less than C.
So now we can find the answer via binary search. The resulting complexity wil be O(VE log(MaxWeight))