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Mule ESB : Error in Exporting and Importing the project in Mule studio

Please help me.I have developed a flow with reference files and other message processors. I have placed "wsdl" in src/main/resources along with other xsd's. Also i used "XSLT transformer, Message property transformer and Datamapper" .I have exported the project and deleted the workspace due to some reason.
Again i'm have imported the project in new worksapce.I could see error in project,where wsdl file was missing. Script in the XSLT transformer is missing also Added properties in the Message Property transformer is also not there. In DataMapper complete configuration is missing. Exported project-> Export->Mule->Mule Studio Project to Mule deployable Archieve-> Zipfile(local path location) Imported project ->Existing project in to workspace->Select archieve file -> local zip file path location

Kindly suggest me the step in importing and exporting is a problem or anything else. I have to write the script and add many properties from the starting.Please help me. My xml configuration after importing (Ex:given one flow)

     <sub-flow name="Common_ErrorHandling_SubFlow" doc:name="Common_ErrorHandling_SubFlow">
    <tracking:custom-event event-name="CommonErrorHandling_Log_Exception_Events" doc:name="Log_Exception_Events">
        <tracking:meta-data key="ExceptionCause" value="#[exception.causeException]"/>
        <tracking:meta-data key="ExceptionSummary" value="#[exception.summaryMessage]"/>
    <message-properties-transformer doc:name="Catch_Exception">
        <add-message-property key="" value=""/>
        <add-message-property key="" value=""/>
        <add-message-property key="" value=""/>
        <add-message-property key="" value=""/>
        <add-message-property key="" value=""/>
        <add-message-property key="" value=""/>
        <add-message-property key="" value=""/>
        <add-message-property key="" value=""/>
        <add-message-property key="" value=""/>
        <add-message-property key="" value=""/>
        <add-message-property key="" value=""/>
        <add-message-property key="" value=""/>
        <add-message-property key="" value=""/>
        <add-message-property key="" value=""/>
        <add-message-property key="" value=""/>
        <add-message-property key="" value=""/>
    <mulexml:object-to-xml-transformer doc:name="Object to XML"/>
    <mulexml:xslt-transformer maxIdleTransformers="2" maxActiveTransformers="5" doc:name="Generate_ErrorXmlStructure">
    <wmq:outbound-endpoint queue="ERRORQ" connector-ref="WMQ_Connector" doc:name="ERRORQ"/>

I'm using version 3.4. Kindly suggest me.


  • Check out this link atMuleSoft.

    You can create a deployable archive (.zip) and export that as suggested in this link.