In a plugin I have this code..
$links = apply_filters( 'jigoshop_widget_logout_user_links' , array(
__( 'My Account', 'jigoshop' ) => get_permalink( jigoshop_get_page_id('myaccount') ),
__( 'Change Password', 'jigoshop' )=> get_permalink( jigoshop_get_page_id('change_password') ),
__( 'Logout', 'jigoshop' ) => wp_logout_url( home_url() ),
Is it possible to use the add_filter
function to change the values of this array?
Im currently trying to learn filters and am trying to use this as a simply example.
Im not sure how you pass the new information to this array , if thats even possible.
Suppose I wanted to change the value of
__( 'My Account', 'jigoshop' ) => get_permalink( jigoshop_get_page_id('myaccount') )
__( 'Logout', 'jigoshop' ) =>'test'
So far I have this..
function change_links() {
$links = apply_filters( 'jigoshop_widget_logout_user_links' , array(
__( 'My Account', 'jigoshop' ) => get_permalink( jigoshop_get_page_id('myaccount') ),
__( 'Change Password', 'jigoshop' )=> get_permalink( jigoshop_get_page_id('change_password') ),
__( 'Logout', 'jigoshop' ) =>'test',
return $links;
add_filter( 'jigoshop_widget_logout_user_links', 'change_links' );
Thank you
Change the way of adding the filter by passing parameters, also you don't need to do another apply_filter
function change_links($arr) {
$arr = array(
__( 'My Account', 'jigoshop' ) => get_permalink( jigoshop_get_page_id('myaccount') ),
__( 'Change Password', 'jigoshop' )=> get_permalink( jigoshop_get_page_id('change_password') ),
__( 'Logout', 'jigoshop' ) =>'test',
return $arr;
add_filter( 'jigoshop_widget_logout_user_links', 'change_links', 10, 1 );