Search code examples

embedding cfswitch in cfquery

Ok so we're trying to be clever by having database tables with defined fields like:

(1) id, name, title, datemodified, dateadded

and then extending them for various "objects" like

Contact table (2) id, name, title, datemodified, dateadded, sitecode, contactid


Article table (3) id, name, title, datemodified, dateadded, sitecode, articleid, votes

so you'll notice that (1) becomes is a base, and (2) and (3) extend.

we have a base object that does a database query on those base fields and then we try and magically extend it with the following code:

<cfquery name="local.qReturnQuery" datasource="#variables.sDSN#">   
     SELECT id, name, title, datemodified, dateadded, sitecode, contactid
       FROM tbl_#arguments.sPrefix# cb
      WHERE 1
        <cfif arrayLen(arguments.aExtendedParams) gt 0>
            <cfloop from="1" to="#arrayLen(arguments.aExtendedParams)#" index="local.x">
                      local.sParamField = arguments.aExtendedParams[local.x][1];
                      local.sParamValue = arguments.aExtendedParams[local.x][2];
                      local.sParamType = arguments.aExtendedParams[local.x][3];
                      local.bParamIsList = arguments.aExtendedParams[local.x][4];
                      local.sParamCondition = arguments.aExtendedParams[local.x][5];            
                      local.bIsPositive = arguments.aExtendedParams[local.x][6];
                <cfswitch expression="#local.sParamType#">
                      <cfcase value="integer,boolean" delimiters="true">
                           <cfif local.bParamIsList>
                                #local.sParamField# <cfif not local.bIsPositive>NOT </cfif>IN (<cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_integer" value="#local.sParamValue#" list="true">)
                                #local.sParamField# <cfif not local.bIsPositive>!</cfif>= <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_integer" value="#local.sParamValue#"> 
                      <cfcase value="string">
                            <cfif local.bParamIsList>
                                  #local.sParamField# <cfif not local.bIsPositive>NOT </cfif>IN (<cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_longvarchar" value="#local.sParamValue#" list="true">)
                                  #local.sParamField# <cfif not local.bIsPositive>!</cfif>= <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_longvarchar" value="#local.sParamValue#">

Unfortunately my incredible code seems to ignore my cfswitch and outputs a query like:

SELECT id, name, title, datemodified, dateadded, sitecode, contactid
  FROM tbl_contact_thing cb

my Array looks like:

arguments.aExtendedParams = [{1="contactid",2="44",3="integer",4="false",5="AND",6="true"}];

so should look like:

SELECT id, name, title, datemodified, dateadded, sitecode, contactid
  FROM tbl_contact_thing cb
   AND contactid = 44

What might I be doing wrong (in terms of this code)


  • I didn't pore over the code, but I spotted this which is wrong:

    <cfcase value="integer,boolean" delimiters="true">

    Your delimiters are not the letters t, r, u, e; it's just a comma.

    That might not be all the problem, but it's part of the problem.

    Docs for <cfcase>