I want to declare and initialize integer variable in Decision Table. I created a sample rule in .drl file. It's working fine but i want that rule in drool spreadsheet. Anybody know How to do it?
Sample Rule code.
rule "GoodBye1"
salience 5
a : Message(count == 45)
int temp = a.getTemplatesFromDba("123");
System.out.println("-Raj--> "+temp);
You'll have to write it in to the Action part of your decision table. Here's one way to do it with a decision table. What suites best for your needs requires a bit more info on the details.
Condition | Action
a : Message |
$param | a.setPrio( a.getTemplate( $param) ); update(a);
count == 45 | "123"
If you need, you can add the System.out.prinln
calls in the Action block as well. If you have a lot of operations to execute, it might be better to create a helper function for that.