I'm working on a google map application. I am drawing a polygon on GMap and getting the area covered by it. I need to find out how many zipcodes are there inside the covered area. How can I proceed using google maps API? Any suggestion?
You'll need, as david strachan said, the geometry for each ZIP-code, here is such an database: https://www.google.com/fusiontables/DataSource?docid=1AxB511DayCdtmyBuYOIPHIe_WM9iG87Q3jKh6EQ#rows:id=1
use a database that supports geospatial queries and query the database by using ST_CONTAINS
Note: The linked database is a FusionTable, it will give you the geometry, but you must store these data in another database , because FusionTables did not support Polygons for spatial conditions