I would like to connect the registration on my site with an event application on Eventbrite. My goal would be the following:
My question is that can I get the status of an order somehow via the Eventbrite API?
I see two related parameter(http://developer.eventbrite.com/doc/users/user_list_tickets/):
Thank you for your answer in advance!
I work on Eventbrite's API/Platform team, so hopefully I can help you out.
Eventbrite's current version of the API doesn't have a concept around Orders.
The /user_list_tickets method that you're referring to is based around the individual event attendees. So for example, if you collected authentication on behalf of an Eventbrite user and then made a /user_list_tickets call against their account -- you would receive a list of events that they have acquired tickets for. You would not receive a list of orders that have occurred for a specific event.
However, we do have an API method that displays a list of attendees for a specific event (when that event organizer has provided authentication): http://developer.eventbrite.com/doc/events/event_list_attendees/
In this list of attendees, you'll see "order_type", "amount_paid", and other attributes depending on the way that the event was set up.
Hope this helps!