I am trying to figure out the easiest way to invoke a task 'x' times and all in parallel in java. The task has a string variable whose value should be unique for each invocation and it returns a string and int result.
I have been looking up resources in internet and now I am terribly confused.
In order to execute tasks in parallel, your first choice should be an ExecutorService. You get an instance of one like they say in the docs, that is
ExecutorService service = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(poolSize);
If your tasks must return a value, you should use the
Future<T> submit(Callable<T> task);
function. Make your tasks implement the Callable
interface, returning the result you require. Submit your tasks to the service, then wait for the results through the Future
objects. A rough sketch:
public class MyTask implements Callable<StringInt> {
public MyTask(String inputParameter) { ... }
public StringInt call() { ... }
List<Future<StringInt>> results = new ArrayList<Future<StringInt>>();
ExecutorService service = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(16);
for (String inputParameter : inputParameters) {
// Create tasks and start parallel execution
results.add(service.submit(new MyTask(inputParameter)));
for (Future<StringInt> result : results) {
// Wait for tasks to end, and get result
StringInt resultValue = result.get();