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Console App Mouse-Click X Y Coordinate Detection/Comparison

I have a game that I am working on in a C# console application, purely as practice before going on to better methods. As opposed to using something such as a Windows Forms App, which has button functionality built in, I am endeavoring to grab the cursor position (which I know how to do) and compare it to a number of area's inside a console application as defined by perhaps pixel location, but I also do not know if there is some sort of built in unit of space other than pixels (this last bit is the part I am unable to figure).

P.S. I know this is in general terms, with no code already provided, but I do not feel that it is needed as all I am asking for is a brief explanation of how to grab X Y coordinates inside a console application, and stick them in int variables.

Many Thanks in advance! :D


  • What @Frank Krueger said. Do you really want to do this? Windows Forms is designed to make this much easier.

    If you do, you'll need to use PInvoke into the low level Windows API. Try this as a starting point - but be aware that this is considerably more complex than the Windows Forms application would be.