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while adding prefix to specif files using batch file it adds prefix two time for first file because of bracket '[]'

i'm trying to add prefix to all files in cur dir and sub dir and i'm succeed in this using following code:

@echo off
pushd "D:\z.Temp\Test\"
for /r %%j in (*) do (
   rename "%%j" "[]-%%~nxj"

But When I Try To Add Prefix For Perticular File Types Such As:

@echo off
pushd "D:\z.Temp\Test\"
for /r %%j in (*.html *.js) do (
   rename "%%j" "[]-%%~nxj"

the it works but it gives me output such as:

demo1.html  -->  []-[]-demo1.html
demo2.html  -->  []-demo2.html
demo3.html  -->  []-demo3.html

demo1.js  -->  []-[]-demo1.js
demo2.js  -->  []-demo2.js
demo3.js  -->  []-demo3.js

Here Each first file adding prefix two time

And If I Remove [] from then it works perfectly but i want prefix as [] please frendz tell me what to do....


  • The problem is, that the renamed files can be found and renamed a second time.

    Add an ECHO rename "%%j" "[]-%%~nxj" to your code and you will see something like

    rename "C:\temp\bracket\demo1.txt" "[]-demo1.txt" rename "C:\temp\bracket\demo2.txt" "[]-demo2.txt" rename "C:\temp\bracket\demo3.txt" "[]-demo3.txt" rename "C:\temp\bracket[]-demo1.txt" "[]-[]-demo1.txt"

    So you need to force the FOR loop to take each file only once.

    You could change it to

    for /F "delims=" %%j in ('dir /s /b *.html') do (

    This works, as the dir /s /b *.html will be completly executed before the first rename command will be executed.