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Build a reusable factory angularjs

After I decided that $resource was not my thing, I wanted to write my own factory to play with my data. Having half written this first one, I am now trying to figure out the best way to reuse this code or my different restful objects. Should I wrap up the code below in a service where I define url and key and then create individual factories that use the service? Or do I put a factory inside a factory? I guess my end result is that I want to be able to create my factories where I define 'object' and 'key'.

app.factory('AssignmentData', function($http, apiUrl){
    var object = 'assignments'
    var key = 'assignmentid';
    var url = apiUrl + object + '/';
    var actions = {
        query : function(params){
            return $http({
                method: 'GET',
                url: url,
                params: params
                    function(error){return error})
        get : function(params){
            return $http({
                        method: 'GET',
                        url: url + params[key],
                        params: _.omit(params, key)
                            function(error){return error})          
        save : function(object){
            return true;
        delete : function(object){
            return true;

    return actions;


  • I don't think I asked my question correctly. It probably had nothing to do with angularjs and was just my not knowing how to write javascript. In the end, i wrote my factory as follows which accomplished my goal (or at least I think it did)

    schedApp.factory('RestData', function($http, apiUrl){
        var resource = function(object){
            var url = apiUrl + object +'s';
            var key = object + 'id';
            var id = 'id';
            var actions = {
                query : function(params){
                    return $http({
                        method: 'GET',
                        url: url,
                        params: params
                            function(error){return error})
                get : function(params){
                    return $http({
                                method: 'GET',
                                url: url + '/' params[key],
                                params: _.omit(params, key)
                                    function(error){return error})          
                save : function(object){
                    return true;
                delete : function(object){
                    return true;
            return actions;
        return resource;