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Writing a tcl script using event_register_syslog

I am a newby to this but I am tasked at writing a tcl script. The script is to print a message on the command line "Warning, system error detected" when a syslog system_error is found.

Now I am completely new to tcl and all I know is that an event_register_syslog needs to be used. Other than that I am completely in the dark and do not know where to go or start.

There are no GUIs needed just the CLI.

Any help and support would be much appreciated.


  • here is a bit of code that should get you started:

    #set result variable equal to contents of syslog  
    set result [exec puts syslog]
    #parse syslog line by line searching for error
    foreach line [string trim [split $result "\n"]] {
        #regex the error string
        if {[regexp {Whatever Error Massage may look like!}]} {
            puts "Warning, system error detected"

    Here are some useful regex links for tcl:
