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Ajax FileUpload Route/Querystring - DirectoryNotFoundException

I have a WebApp with an upload section.
To upload the files to a sql database I'm using a Ajax Toolkit Fileupload control.

I always get a similar error as in this post, but after hours of testing, I figured out what is causing my Problem.

My upload control is located on the SidDetails.aspx page and if open the page directly with
I'm able to upload files.

Page Route

but if I access the page via the route
I get a 500 internal server error

So I checked the link of the page that is causing the exception{DA8BEDC8-B952-4d5d-8CC2-59FE922E2923}&done=1&guid=BD327457-2013-1E97-6ADE-28612D63758E

For me, it looks like that is the problem, but I don't know how to fix this.
I already tried adding a route with query value
Route with Query
But i don't know if this is how you would approach it.

Could not find a part of the path 'C:\Windows\TEMP_AjaxFileUpload\E0E386A6-F5B5-1012-F6E5-1872E4D6EF69'.
Thats the exception that is thrown by the upload control.

I would like to keep the routes but how can I fix the problem?

I'm using Visual Studio 2012, .net 4.5 and AjaxControlToolkit 7.0930

Kind regards


  • I run into this too, and after going crazy I fixed it.

    1. Download the ajaxtoolkit source code project and open it.

    2. Change the following row:

      this._uploadUrl = 'AjaxFileUploadHandler.axd';


      this._uploadUrl = '/AjaxFileUploadHandler.axd';
    3. Rebuild the project, get the new .dll and copy it to your /bin directory.

    This will fix the issue, giving the right path to the handler.

    PS: I came to this as:

    • I noticed some strange duplicated calls to the handler, happening only in routed paths (like, where uploads failed.

    • I noticed that in a test page, placed in the home dir of my site, the uploader was working fine.

    Then I came to this page and noticed the mentioned row.