I want to output a vector of strings using Boost Spirit Karma. The output generation should fail if any of the strings don't satisfy the constraints. I have tried the following:
#include <boost/spirit/include/karma.hpp>
namespace ka = boost::spirit::karma;
int main()
typedef std::ostream_iterator<char> iterator_t;
std::string is1{"123"}, is2{"def"};
std::vector<std::string> iv1{"123", "456"}, iv2{"123","def"};
auto num = +ka::char_("0-9");
auto nums = num % ka::lit(";");
assert(ka::generate(iterator_t{std::cout}, num << ka::eol, is1) == true);
assert(ka::generate(iterator_t{std::cout}, num << ka::eol, is2) == false);
assert(ka::generate(iterator_t{std::cout}, nums << ka::eol, iv1) == true);
assert(ka::generate(iterator_t{std::cout}, nums << ka::eol, iv2) == false); // Assertion Fails
Is there a way to make the rule fail if any of the sub-rules do not succeed?
Here is one posible solution that creates a custom directive (heavily based on the one explained here, full code) called full
that only returns true when its subject returns true and the number of elements generated is equal to the number of elements in the container passed as attribute.
The changes I've made are:
with element_counter_delimiter
with full_container_generator
with full
in element_counter_delimiter
and full_container_generator
in order to account for the fact that %
generates 2*num_elem - 1
times (n ints and n-1 semicolons)#include <iostream>
#include <boost/spirit/include/karma.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/include/karma_generate.hpp>
// definition the place holder
namespace custom_generator
// implementation the enabler
namespace boost { namespace spirit
// We want custom_generator::full to be usable as a directive only,
// and only for generator expressions (karma::domain).
template <>
struct use_directive<karma::domain, custom_generator::tag::full>
: mpl::true_ {};
// implementation of the generator
namespace custom_generator
template <typename T>
struct adjust_size
static std::size_t call(std::size_t val)
return val; //with kleene and repeat just return the value
template <typename Left, typename Right>
struct adjust_size<boost::spirit::karma::list<Left,Right> >
static std::size_t call(std::size_t val)
return (val+1)/2; //with list you output n elements and n-1 semicolons
// special delimiter wrapping the original one that counts the number of elements
template <typename Delimiter>
struct element_counter_delimiter
element_counter_delimiter(Delimiter const& delim)
: delimiter(delim), count(0) {}
// This function is called during the actual delimiter output
template <typename OutputIterator, typename Context
, typename Delimiter_, typename Attribute>
bool generate(OutputIterator& sink, Context&, Delimiter_ const&
, Attribute const&) const
// first invoke the wrapped delimiter
if (!boost::spirit::karma::delimit_out(sink, delimiter))
return false;
// now we count the number of invocations
return true;
Delimiter const& delimiter; // wrapped delimiter
mutable unsigned int count; // invocation counter
// That's the actual full generator
template <typename Subject>
struct full_container_generator
: boost::spirit::karma::unary_generator<
full_container_generator<Subject> >
// Define required output iterator properties
typedef typename Subject::properties properties;
// Define the attribute type exposed by this parser component
template <typename Context, typename Iterator>
struct attribute
: boost::spirit::traits::attribute_of<Subject, Context, Iterator>
full_container_generator(Subject const& s)
: subject(s)
// This function is called during the actual output generation process.
// It dispatches to the embedded generator while supplying a new
// delimiter to use, wrapping the outer delimiter.
template <typename OutputIterator, typename Context
, typename Delimiter, typename Attribute>
bool generate(OutputIterator& sink, Context& ctx
, Delimiter const& delimiter, Attribute const& attr) const
std::size_t elems_in_container = boost::spirit::traits::size(attr);
element_counter_delimiter<Delimiter> d(delimiter);
if (!subject.generate(sink, ctx, d, attr))
return false;
return elems_in_container == adjust_size<Subject>::call(d.count);
// This function is called during error handling to create
// a human readable string for the error context.
template <typename Context>
boost::spirit::info what(Context& ctx) const
return boost::spirit::info("full", subject.what(ctx));
Subject subject;
// instantiation of the generator
namespace boost { namespace spirit { namespace karma
// This is the factory function object invoked in order to create
// an instance of our full_container_generator.
template <typename Subject, typename Modifiers>
struct make_directive<custom_generator::tag::full, Subject, Modifiers>
typedef custom_generator::full_container_generator<Subject> result_type;
result_type operator()(unused_type, Subject const& s, unused_type) const
return result_type(s);
int main()
typedef std::ostream_iterator<char> iterator_t;
namespace ka=boost::spirit::karma;
std::string is1{"123"}, is2{"def"};
std::vector<std::string> iv1{"123", "456"}, iv2{"123","def"}, iv3{"123", "456", "789"}, iv4{"123", "456", "def"};
using custom_generator::full;
ka::rule<iterator_t,std::string()> num = +ka::char_("0-9"); //this rule needs to have attribute std::string
//that wasn't the case with the original "auto num =..."
//and it caused that the delimiter count went way higher than it should
ka::rule<iterator_t,std::vector<std::string>()> nums = full[num%ka::lit(";")];
assert(ka::generate(iterator_t{std::cout}, num << ka::eol, is1) == true);
assert(ka::generate(iterator_t{std::cout}, num << ka::eol, is2) == false);
assert(ka::generate(iterator_t{std::cout}, nums << ka::eol, iv1) == true);
assert(ka::generate(iterator_t{std::cout}, ka::buffer[nums << ka::eol], iv2) == false); //using buffer as mentioned by sehe
assert(ka::generate(iterator_t{std::cout}, nums << ka::eol, iv3) == true);
assert(ka::generate(iterator_t{std::cout}, ka::buffer[nums << ka::eol], iv4) == false);