Search code examples

Cursor adapter _id move forward by 1

I'm having some issues working with a CursorAdapter.

In bindView(), I retrieve data in this way:

final String id = c.getString(c.getColumnIndexOrThrow(MySQLiteHelper.PROF_CONTACTS_KEY_ID));        
final String name = c.getString(c.getColumnIndexOrThrow(MySQLiteHelper.PROF_CONTACTS_KEY_NAME));

Right after this code, I call

Log.e("Log",id+" <=> "+name);

But, because of some weird problem, I got as a result an ID moved forward by 1.

This is the situation in the DB (pulling it from the emulator, and opening it with SQLite Manager):

Database situation

And this is the output:


With bigger numbers (>9), IDs start to mess even more up: number 10 becomes number 1, number 13 becomes number 5, etc. I wouldn't have a lot of problems, in fact the only thing not matching is the id, all other info correspond, but I have a details activity to which I pass the ID in order to show to the user the detailed info.

This is the piece of code where I apply the adapter:

    mCursor = mDb.rawGet("SELECT * FROM "+MySQLiteHelper.PROF_CONTACTS_TB_NAME+" LEFT JOIN "+
            MySQLiteHelper.EXAMS_TB_NAME+" ON "+
            + " ORDER BY " + MySQLiteHelper.PROF_CONTACTS_TB_NAME+"."+MySQLiteHelper.PROF_CONTACTS_KEY_ID);

    if (mCursor.getCount() == 0) {
        // error stuff.
    } else {

        String[] columns = new String[] {};
        int[] to = new int[] {};

        mDataAdapter = new CursorAdapterProfContacts(getSherlockActivity(), R.layout.item_prof_contact, mCursor, columns, to, 0);



  • It was due to a collision name: _id can be referred both to EXAMS and PROF. SQLlite chose EXAMS instead of PROF.

        mCursor = mDb.rawGet("SELECT *, "+
                        MySQLiteHelper.PROF_CONTACTS_TB_NAME+"."+MySQLiteHelper.PROF_CONTACTS_KEY_ID+" AS idProf "+
                        " FROM "+MySQLiteHelper.PROF_CONTACTS_TB_NAME+" LEFT JOIN "+
                        MySQLiteHelper.EXAMS_TB_NAME+" ON "+
                        MySQLiteHelper.EXAMS_TB_NAME+"."+MySQLiteHelper.EXAMS_KEY_COD +
                        " ORDER BY " + MySQLiteHelper.PROF_CONTACTS_TB_NAME+"."+MySQLiteHelper.PROF_CONTACTS_KEY_ID);

    And finally

        final Long id = c.getLong(c.getColumnIndexOrThrow("idProf"));   

    This made the trick. Collision name errors should be thrown, as it is in SQL and MySQL.