Using C#.NET 4.0
My company's application makes use of a resource locker to keep records from being edited simultaneously. We use the database to store the start time of a lock as well as the user who acquired the lock. This has led to the following (strange?) implementation of dispose on the resource locker, which happens to be called from a destructor:
protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing)
lock (this)
if (lockid.HasValue)
this.RefreshDataButtonAction = null;
this.ReadOnlyButtonAction = null;
**Dictionary<string, object> parameters = new Dictionary<string, object>();
parameters.Add("@lockID", lockid.Value);
parameters.Add("@readsToDelete", null);
Object returnObject = dbio2.ExecuteScalar("usp_DeleteResourceLockReads", parameters);**
lockid = null;
catch (Exception ex)
Logger.WriteError("ResourceLockingController", "DeleteResourceLocks", ex);
_staleResourcesForm = null;
I am concerned about the bolded section we because have been logging strange "Handle is not initialized" exceptions from the database call. I read elsewhere that it is not safe to create new objects during Finalize(), but does the same rule apply to dispose()? Are there any possible side effects that accompany creating new objects during Dispose()?
which happens to be called from a destructor
That's the real problem. You cannot assume that the *dbio2" object hasn't been finalized itself. Finalization order is not deterministic in .NET. The outcome would look much like you describe, an internal handle used by the dbase provider will have been released so a "Handle is not initialized" exception is expected. Or the dbio2 object was simply already disposed.
This is especially likely to go wrong at program exit. You'll then also have problem when the 2 second timeout for the finalizer thread, a dbase operation can easily take more.
You simply cannot rely on a finalizer to do this for you. You must check the disposing argument and not call the dbio2.ExecuteScalar() method when it is false. Which probably ends the usefulness of the destructor as well.