I have a problem using Winnovative Html to Pdf Converter v8.0.0.0, my pdf page number are not correct. Here is what I 've done. I set a footer on my converter
pdfConverter.PdfFooterOptions.AddTextArea(new TextArea(500, 0, 50, "&p; / &P;", new Font(new FontFamily("Arial"), 8)));
then I create a document from a url
pdfDocument = pdfConverter.GetPdfDocumentObjectFromUrl(FirstUrl);
then I append a document from a url
all the pages resulting from the first url contain a correct page number, but page number on the appended document does not seems to be recalculate
example : FirstUrl result in 3 pages and second in 2 pages. Page Numbers are
I want them to be like :
I also try not to add the footer to the converter but to the pdfDocument after the conversion like this:
PdfFont pdfFont = pdfDocument.Fonts.Add(new Font(new FontFamily("Arial"), 8));
string strPageNum = "&p; / &P;";
TextElement footerPageNumber = new TextElement(500, 0, 50, strPageNum, pdfFont);
But in this case. Only pages from the first Url get page number on them and are nowhere to be seen on page from appended document.
Thanks for your help.
After encountering the same problem with another project. I finally find the correct way of creating a pdf from many Url.
I Still set the footer on the document like this:
pdfConverter.PdfFooterOptions.AddTextArea(new TextArea(500, 0, 50, "&p; / &P;", new Font(new FontFamily("Arial"), 8)));
then I create a document from a url just as before:
pdfDocument = pdfConverter.GetPdfDocumentObjectFromUrl(firstUrl);
but instead of appending another pdf I get the second url in a HtmlToPdfElement like this:
HtmlToPdfElement pdfBody = new HtmlToPdfElement(secoundUrl);
and finally add it to the pdf document using a new page.
PdfPage newPage = pdfDocument.Pages.AddNewPage();