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Using a Stored Procedure in a View with Postgresql

I have been trying to create a View where one of the column pending_amount gets its value as a result of a stored procedure execution.

The stored procedure is pending_stock(int,int) and returns an integer. The view is created successfully but when i try to perform any query like select on the this view it takes ever to return a value.

CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW view_production_parts AS 
SELECT p.part_id, p.min_amount, gp.part_num, gp.description
     , p.quantity_available
     , p.quantity_total - p.quantity_available AS quantity_alloc
     , p.quantity_total
     , (SELECT pending_stock(p.part_id, 0) AS pending_stock) AS pending_amount
     , p.production_run
     , CASE
           WHEN ppur.purchased_part_id IS NOT NULL THEN true
           ELSE false
       END AS is_purchased_part, ppur.purchased_part_id, p.store_move_type_id
     , gp.part_status_id, p.default_location
     , COALESCE(pwoh.part_work_order_hold_id, 0) AS part_work_order_hold_id
   FROM general_part gp
   JOIN part p ON gp.part_id = p.part_id
   LEFT JOIN purchased_part ppur ON ppur.part_id = p.part_id
   LEFT JOIN part_work_order_hold pwoh ON pwoh.part_id = p.part_id
  ORDER BY gp.part_num;

Can a stored procedure be used in a view? If used, Is my declaration correct?

Find the result from of this query at

EXPLAIN ANALYZE SELECT count(*) FROM view_production_parts

I am using Postgres 8.4.
Function definition for pending_stock(int,int):

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION pending_stock(var_part_id integer
                                       , var_pattern_id integer)
  RETURNS integer AS
    r record;
    var_qty_expected integer;
    var_qty_moved_to_stock integer;
    var_total_stock_moved_out integer;
    var_actual_qty integer;


var_total_stock_moved_out := 0;
var_qty_expected := 0;

   for r in
      select work_order_id,quantity_expected
      from view_work_orders
      where part_id = var_part_id and open = 'TRUE'
      and quantity_allocated is null and quantity_expected >= quantity_actual

      var_qty_expected = var_qty_expected + r.quantity_expected;

      select sum(quantity) from view_work_order_move_parts_details
      where source_work_order_id = r.work_order_id
      and part_id = var_part_id into var_qty_moved_to_stock;

      if var_qty_moved_to_stock is null then
         var_qty_moved_to_stock = 0;
      end if;

      var_total_stock_moved_out = var_total_stock_moved_out
                                + var_qty_moved_to_stock;
   end loop;

   var_actual_qty := var_qty_expected - var_total_stock_moved_out;

   if var_actual_qty > 0 then
      return var_actual_qty;
      return 0;
   end if;
COST 100;
ALTER FUNCTION pending_stock(integer, integer) OWNER TO postgres;


  • View

    You don't need a subquery for the function call. And you can simplify some other minor details:

    CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW view_production_parts AS 
    SELECT  p.part_id, p.min_amount
          , gp.part_num, gp.description, p.quantity_available
          , p.quantity_total - p.quantity_available AS quantity_alloc
          , p.quantity_total
          , pending_stock(gp.part_id, 0) AS pending_amount
          , p.production_run
          ,(ppur.purchased_part_id IS NOT NULL) AS is_purchased_part
          , ppur.purchased_part_id, p.store_move_type_id, gp.part_status_id
          , p.default_location
          , COALESCE(pwoh.part_work_order_hold_id, 0) AS part_work_order_hold_id
    FROM    general_part              gp
    JOIN    part                      p    USING (part_id)
    LEFT    JOIN purchased_part       ppur USING (part_id)
    LEFT    JOIN part_work_order_hold pwoh USING (part_id)
    ORDER   BY gp.part_num;

    Other than that the VIEW definition looks fine.


    Can be largely simplified:

    CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION pending_stock(var_part_id integer
                                           , var_pattern_id integer)
      RETURNS integer AS
        r record;
        var_qty_expected            integer   := 0;
        var_total_stock_moved_out   integer   := 0;
       FOR r IN
          SELECT work_order_id, quantity_expected
          FROM   view_work_orders
          WHERE  part_id = var_part_id
          AND    open = 'TRUE'  -- A string instead of a boolean?
          AND    quantity_allocated IS NULL
          AND    quantity_expected >= quantity_actual
          var_qty_expected := var_qty_expected + r.quantity_expected;
          SELECT var_total_stock_moved_out + COALESCE(sum(quantity), 0)
          FROM   view_work_order_move_parts_details
          WHERE  source_work_order_id = r.work_order_id
          AND    part_id = var_part_id
          INTO   var_total_stock_moved_out;
       END LOOP;
       RETURN GREATEST(var_qty_expected - var_total_stock_moved_out, 0);
    $func$ LANGUAGE plpgsql

    Major points

    • Generally, assignments are comparatively expensive in plpgsql. Every assignment is executed with a (very simple and fast) SELECT statement internally. Try to use fewer of them.

    • You can init variables at declaration time. No need for another statement.

    • The assignment operator in plpgsql is :=. = works, but is undocumented.

    • Use COALESCE() to catch NULL values.

    • The function parameter var_pattern_id is never used. This is probably not the full function definition.

    • The whole final part can be replaced with a single statement using GREATEST

    Superior query

    Now, this cleaned up function will be a bit faster, but not much. Your whole design of looping repeatedly is extremely inefficient. It results in correlated subqueries that loop through correlated subqueries yet again. Performance nightmare.

    Recast the problem as set-based operation to make it faster. Well, a lot faster.

    SELECT e.part_id
          ,GREATEST(COALESCE(sum(e.quantity_expected), 0)
                  - COALESCE(sum(m.total_stock_moved_out), 0), 0)
    FROM   view_work_orders e
    LEFT   JOIN (
       SELECT source_work_order_id       AS work_order_id
             ,COALESCE(sum(quantity), 0) AS total_stock_moved_out
       FROM   view_work_order_move_parts_details
       WHERE  part_id = var_part_id
       GROUP  BY 1
       ) m USING (work_order_id)
    WHERE  e.part_id            =  var_part_id
    AND               =  'TRUE'
    AND    e.quantity_allocated IS NULL
    AND    e.quantity_expected  >= e.quantity_actual
    GROUP  BY 1;

    Superior view

    Integrate this into the original query / view:

    CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW view_production_parts AS 
    SELECT p.part_id, p.min_amount
          ,gp.part_num, gp.description, p.quantity_available
          ,p.quantity_total - p.quantity_available AS quantity_alloc
          ,(ppur.purchased_part_id IS NOT NULL) AS is_purchased_part
          ,ppur.purchased_part_id, p.store_move_type_id, gp.part_status_id
          ,COALESCE(pwoh.part_work_order_hold_id, 0) AS part_work_order_hold_id
    FROM   general_part              gp
    JOIN   part                      p    USING (part_id)
    LEFT   JOIN purchased_part       ppur USING (part_id)
    LEFT   JOIN part_work_order_hold pwoh USING (part_id)
    LEFT   JOIN (
       SELECT e.part_id
             ,GREATEST(COALESCE(sum(e.quantity_expected), 0)
                     - COALESCE(sum(m.total_stock_moved_out), 0)
                       , 0) AS pending_amount
       FROM   view_work_orders e
       LEFT   JOIN (
          SELECT source_work_order_id AS work_order_id
                ,sum(quantity)        AS total_stock_moved_out
          FROM   view_work_order_move_parts_details
          WHERE  part_id = var_part_id
          GROUP  BY 1
          ) m USING (work_order_id)
       WHERE  e.part_id            =  var_part_id
       AND               =  'TRUE'
       AND    e.quantity_allocated IS NULL
       AND    e.quantity_expected  >= e.quantity_actual
       GROUP  BY 1
       ) x USING (part_id)
    ORDER  BY gp.part_num;

    Untested, obviously.