I am working on a pretty big node project and I am wondering if my current method of requiring files then setting global variables within them (to be accessed everywhere) is a good idea or is it unsafe. I'm wondering if you guys can give me some times.
#require and define all dependencies
require 'coffee-script'
GLOBAL.fs = require 'fs'
GLOBAL.crypto = require 'crypto'
GLOBAL.hound = require 'hound'
GLOBAL.async = require 'async'
require './config'
require './functions'
#define route
require './routes/index'
require './routes/login'
require './routes/editor'
require './sockets/chat'
console.log "Listening"
GLOBAL.express = require 'express'
GLOBAL.http = require 'http'
GLOBAL.ect = require 'ect'
GLOBAL.mysql = require 'mysql'
GLOBAL.sass = require 'connect-sass'
GLOBAL.coffeescript = require 'connect-coffee-script'
GLOBAL.SchemaObject = require 'node-schema-object'
GLOBAL.User = new SchemaObject
id: Number,
fullname: String,
secret: String,
email: String,
lastOpened: Number
GLOBAL.ectRenderer = ect
watch: true,
root: "#{__dirname}/views"
MemoryStore = express.session.MemoryStore
sessionStore = new MemoryStore()
GLOBAL.app = express()
app.configure ->
app.use(coffeescript(src: "#{__dirname}/public"))
app.use '/css/main.css', sass.serve("#{__dirname}/sass/main.scss")
app.use(express.session({secret: 'LOLLYU83rhf99fefru9d', store: sessionStore}));
app.use express.static("#{__dirname}/public")
GLOBAL.server = http.createServer(app).listen(8080)
GLOBAL.io = require('socket.io').listen(server)
GLOBAL.connection = mysql.createConnection
host: '.....',
user: '.....',
password: '.....',
database: '.....'
is there a better way to do this. I feel like I have just guessed and made this up. I want everything to be super neat. and fast.
Ditch all that GLOBAL stuff. If you need app
to be available in an inner closure (like configure
) just use it there, it will be available.
Make sure you have a good grasp of closures before continuing, this SO post will help: How do JavaScript closures work?.
If you want to know how to layout an Express app (as in where do the files go), take a look at this SO post: express.js sample apps.