I have the following code:
TYPE rt_someDetails IS RECORD(
deny_discount VARCHAR2(4) DEFAULT 'NO');
TYPE someDetails_va IS VARRAY(2) OF rt_someDetails;
l_someDetails_va someDetails_va;
l_rt_someDetails rt_someDetails;
l_someDetails_va := someDetails_va();
-- when in varray, the default value doesn't show up
dbms_output.put_line('From array:: ' || l_someDetails_va(1).deny_discount);
-- However, when outside of varray, it works properly
dbms_output.put_line('Directly from record var:: ' || l_rt_someDetails.deny_discount);
Why doesn't the default value of deny_discount
show up when read from the record in varray?
Extending doesn't populate the array per say, it simply allocates space for future inserts (think NULL elements)
Try creating a record and inserting into the array. Simply extending won't show anything.