I'm using the following code within the JCProperty class to retrieve data from a DAL:
Dim x As JCProperty
x = JCPropertyDB.GetProperty(PropertyID)
If Not x Is Nothing Then
Me.PropertyID = x.PropertyID
Me.AddressLine1 = x.AddressLine1
Me.AddressLine2 = x.AddressLine2
Me.AddressLine3 = x.AddressLine3
Me.AddressCity = x.AddressCity
Me.AddressCounty = x.AddressCounty
Me.AddressPostcode = x.AddressPostcode
Me.TelNo = x.TelNo
Me.UpdatedOn = x.UpdatedOn
Me.CreatedOn = x.CreatedOn
Me.Description = x.Description
End If
This works fine but requires that the DAL object (JCPropertyDB) is aware of the business object (JCProperty) and I effectively create and populate the same object twice (once in the DAL to return to the BL and then again within the BL object to populate itself).
I'm missing something here, I know there must be a better way!
Effectively I need to assign 'Me = x' which is not allowed. Can someone put me straight?
Personally, I'm lazy. I usually do something like:
class JCProperty : inherits JCPropertyDB
Then you're basically done, until you have some additional functionality in the JCProperty class that needs to happen "on top" of the functionality already existing in JCPropertyDB. Then you override the JCPropertyDB methods to call the base method first then add your new functionality.