I am creating a rule which needs to fire when one or more conditions are met. The rule looks as follows:
rule "Demo Rule"
$data : Data (val == 1 || val == 2)
I have a test for the rule, which has two matching Data objects (val 1 and val 2). The rule fires correctly, as it gets to the print statement. However, I can't find a way to parse $data and get access to the individual matching Data objects. The println results as follows:
custom.package.Data< val: 1, text:'Test1' >
custom.package.Data< val: 2, text:'Test2' >
So, I can see that multiple entries are present. But attempting to call as an array ($data[0]) or $data$1 or anything I could think of all result in parsing errors by Drools (complaining that $data is a Data object, not an array or list or other iterable).
The rule is fired once per each object matching your condition. So, you'll need to access the Data object directly as $data.val
and data.text
If you need/want the objects in a list, you can use collect
for that. Then your rule would be like
rule "Demo Rule"
$dataList : ArrayList() from collect( Data (val == 1 || val == 2) )