I have a silverlight 3 application with the latest Caliburn RTW.
I have a button with the following caliburn property in XAML: PresentationFramework:Message.Attach="ContainerCommand ClassesCommand()"/>
In my module.cs I have :
_container.RegisterType(typeof(ClassesCommand), new ContainerControlledLifetimeManager());
_regionManager.RegisterViewWithRegion("MenuRegion", () => _container.Resolve<ClassesButton>());
On the _container.Resolve() I get AG_E_PARSER_BAD_PROPERTY_VALUE for "ContainerCommand ClassesCommand()" in the XAML.
My ClassesCommand.cs is :
public class ClassesCommand
public void Execute()
public bool CanExecute()
return true;
Try registering your command by Key instead of type. Also, try removing the empty parenthesis from the end. Let me know if either of these things fixes your issue. Thanks!