I have created an MFC application from scratch being careful from the start to use Unicode aware structures such as CStringW, LPCWSTR Etc. to store and process data. Unicode is also defined in the project.
Since I only one speak one language I tried the following test to ensure that a Unicode string was processed and stored correctly by the application.
In one of the Edit Boxes I entered ALT + 2061 and Alt + 2066 to display symbols not available on my keyboard link text The only thing displayed on the editbox is a square. Tried the same think in Notepad and the symbols were correctly displayed. Is this just a font issue? If so what font should I be using?
I copied several symbols from the unibook and pasted them into the Edit boxes. Apart from a small few symbols they were processed and saved correctly so I am happy with that.
Make sure that the Alt-key input method you are describing works in other programs. It doesn't seem to work on my WinXP system.
You may just want to download Unibook from unicode.org and copy the chars from that just to be sure.