I'd like to write an convenient interface for the flickr-API
in Python
. The methods provided by the API
are used in a normal http-request, like
My idea was to write a class flickr
, which might enable me to call the methods in the same syntax in Python. So the class flickr, should enable me to access the identifier X=galleries.addPhoto
when i call
I thought about using the getattr
function to use the function name as a parameter, but unfortunately i failed.
Is there a way to access the name of X ignoring the dots.
P.s. the class flickr
should not check (or hold) the exact structure of the "namespaces" like galleries, camera, etc. to stay are generic as possible and not being affected as the names of methods will change in the future.
I don't know if I'd recommend stretching the python syntax so far but the getattr class method will work. It is invoked whenever you access a member that is not in a class's dictionary, so you need to be sure that "X" is not a class member, use something like "_X" instead and then use a class structure like this:
class a(object):
def _hi(self):
print "hello"
def __getattr__(self, val):
a.__dict__["_" + val](self)
>>> b = a()
>>> b.hi
***EDIT: dealing with the dot syntax
class A(object):
def __init__(self, call_tree=None):
self.call_tree = call_tree
def __getattr__(self, val):
if self.call_tree:
new_call_tree = '.'.join([self.call_tree, val])
new_call_tree = val
return A(call_tree=new_call_tree)
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
url = 'https://api.flickr.com/?function={}'.format(self.call_tree)
print url
>>> b = A()
>>> b.hi.mom()
>>> b.hi.dad()