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selection algorithm for median

I was trying to understand the selection algorithm for finding the median. I have pasted the psuedo code below.

SELECT(A[1 .. n], k):
if n<=25
use brute force
m = ceiling(n/5)
for i=1 to m
B[i]=SELECT(A[5i-4 .. 5i], 3)
mom=SELECT(B[1 ..m], floor(m/2))
r = PARTITION(A[1 .. n],mom)
if k < r
return SELECT(A[1 .. r-1], k)
else if k > r
return SELECT(A[r +1 .. n], k-r)
return mom

i have a very trivial doubt. I was wondering what the author means by brute force written above for i<=25. Is it that he will compare elements one by one with every other element and see if its the kth largest or something else.


  • The code must come from here.

    A brute force algorithm can be any simple and stupid algorithm. In your example, you can sort the 25 elements and find the middle one. This is simple and stupid compared to the selection algorithm since sorting takes O(nlgn) while selection takes only linear time.

    A brute force algorithm is often good enough when n is small. Besides, it is easier to implement. Read more about brute force here.