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symfony test database insert

I have a functional test that creates and persists some things in the database and I want to test that the correct number of items was inserted (there is a scenario where it currently inserts two instead of one).

In the controller everything seems to work and if I use the code below (in the controller) to debug it, I get the expected (wrong) value of "2":

$em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager();
$fooRepo = $em->getRepository('CompanyProjectBundle:Foo');
$foos = $fooRepo->retrieveByBar(3);
echo count($foos); // Gives a result of 2

However, if I try something similar from within my Test class I get zero...

 * {@inheritDoc}
protected function setUp()
    static::$kernel = static::createKernel();
    $this->em = static::$kernel->getContainer()

 * {@inheritDoc}
protected function tearDown()

public function testFooForm()
    // ... do some testing

    $fooRepo = $this->em->getRepository('CompanyProjectBundle:Foo');
    $foos = $fooRepo->retrieveByBar(3);
    echo count($foos); // gives a result of ZERO

    // ... more happens later

Is it getting a different entity manager or something like that? Should I be using some other method to get hold of the correct EM so I can then view the same data that the app is running from?

Everything's running inside a transaction (which is rolled back when the test client is destroyed), but that happens after the snippet shown above.


  • Ah... solved my own problem. I think I was getting the wrong EntityManager. I fixed it by getting the EntityManager via the client's container instead of the kernel's one:

    public function testFooForm()
        // ... do some testing
        $clientEm = $client->getContainer()->get('doctrine.orm.entity_manager');
        $fooRepo = $clientEm->getRepository('CompanyProjectBundle:Foo');
        $foos = $fooRepo->retrieveByBar(3);
        echo count($foos); // gives the correct result of 2
        // ... more happens later