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Convert time_t To Integer

How should I modify this code to print("Its Midnight") every 00:00AM ?

#include <time.h>
#include <stdio.h>

int main(void)
  struct tm * localtime ( const time_t * ptr_time );
  struct tm 
  int tm_sec;         /* segundos,  range 0 to 59          */
  int tm_min;         /* minutos, range 0 to 59           */
  int tm_hour;        /* horas, range 0 to 23             */
  int tm_mday;        /* dia do mes, range 1 to 31  */
  int tm_mon;         /* mes, range 0 to 11             */
  int tm_year;        /* numero de anos desde 1900   */
  int tm_wday;        /* dia da semana, range 0 to 6    */
  int tm_yday;        /* dia no ano, range 0 to 365  */
  int tm_isdst;       
    time_t mytime;
    mytime = time(NULL);
 if(str_time.tm_hour == 00 && str_time.tm_min == 00 && str_time.tm_sec == 00 )
printf("Its midnight");
  return 0;

The Output of time_t is: Www Mmm dd hh:mm:ss yyyy

Example: Tue Feb 26 09:01:47 2009


  • If able, use sleep() to pause.
    Use time() and localtime() to determine nap time.

    #include <unistd.h>
    #include <time.h>
    #include <stdio.h>
    int main() {
        while (1) {
          time_t Now;
          if (time(&Now) == -1) {
            return -1;
          struct tm tm;
          tm = *localtime(&Now);
          tm.tm_hour = 0;
          tm.tm_min = 0;
          tm.tm_sec = 0;
          tm.tm_isdst = -1;
          time_t Then;
          Then = mktime(&tm);
          if (Then == -1) {
            return -1;
          if (Then <= Now) {
            return -1; // Time moving backwards - Hmmmm?
          unsigned int NapTime = (unsigned int) (Then - Now);
          printf("Going to sleep %u\n", NapTime );
          fflush(stdout);  // Let's empty the buffers before nap time
          if (0 != sleep(NapTime)) {
            return -1; // trouble sleeping
          // Done sleeping!