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How to add a timing event

Is there a way when I click on a ToolStripButton, it shows the WaitCursor and updates the StatusStrip for about 10 seconds, then returns back to normal. I just don't know how to type in the coding.

If someone could guide me through the process. (or even give me the code)

Thank You

J Mahone


  • Using a timer:

    1:Add a timer from your component toolbox to your form.

    2:Set the inteval to 10,000 (this is in milliseconds, 1000 = 1 second)

    3:In the timers' "Tick" event, write this code:

    Timer1.stop 'This assumes your timer it named Timer1
    Me.Cursor = Cursors.Default

    4: When you want to make it show the cursor, either have a method to do both these lines and call the method or just write these 2 lines all over the place:

    Me.Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor