I am working on a project in visual studio 2010, and i am using report viewer to display reports (.rdlc files). I am using some components like charts and gauges in my report. When I put a chart and gauge in my report on the same page, it does not render properly. It just renders as a combined image of both in HTML. I searched on technet.microsoft and found that there are some rendering rules in the SSRS reports which states that images in report will render together.
When chart and gauge are on different pages in the report, then render correctly. But, when they are on the same page, report viewer just combines them to render in HTML, and they are not rendered properly in a web page.
I have also tried to put the gauge and chart in different panels, but still it renders as a combined image.
Is there any other way to make them render correctly on the same page ?
If you are using a ControlReportViewer try setting SizeToReportContent="True" on its properties