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Rename Worksheet Event in Excel

What is the best way to get some VBA code to run when a excel sheet is renamed?


  • Here's one approach. The trick is to trap the events at an application level via a dedicated class. Using the SheetActivate event, store a reference to the active sheet as well as its name. When the sheet is deactiveated (and another activated) compare the name of the sheet reference against the stored string. Here's the class (called CExcelEvents):

    Option Explicit
    Private WithEvents xl As Application
    Private CurrSheet As Worksheet
    Private CurrSheetName As String
    Private Sub Class_Initialize()
        Set xl = Excel.Application
        Set CurrSheet = ActiveSheet
        CurrSheetName = CurrSheet.Name
    End Sub
    Private Sub Class_Terminate()
        Set xl = Nothing
    End Sub
    Private Sub xl_SheetActivate(ByVal Sh As Object)
        If CurrSheetName <> CurrSheet.Name Then
            Debug.Print "You've renamed the sheet: " & CurrSheetName & " to " & CurrSheet.Name
    '       Do something here - rename the sheet to original name?
        End If
        Set CurrSheet = Sh
        CurrSheetName = CurrSheet.Name
    End Sub

    Instantiate this with a global variable using the Workbook open event:

    Public xlc As CExcelEvents
    Sub Workbook_Open()
        Set xlc = New CExcelEvents
    End Sub

    The example above will trigger only when the user selects another worksheet. If you want more granularity, monitor the Sheet Change event as well.