I have a procedure that returns an OUT parameter.
procedure foo (in_v IN INTEGER, out_v OUT integer)
--sh*t happend
out_v := SQLCODE;
That parameter will be 0 if everything goes OK, and <> 0 if something ugly happened.
Now, if sh*t happens along the way, an exception will be thrown.
Is it ok to assing the SQLCODE value to the OUT parameter ? Or is this consideres a code smell, and I will be expelled from the programming community ?
Thanks in advance.
If there is no additional handling of the error, I would probably advise against it. This approach just makes it necessary for each caller to examine the value of the out parameter anyway. And if the caller forgets it, a serious problem may pass unnoticed at first and create a hard to debug problem elsewhere.
If you simply don't catch OTHERS here, you ensure that the caller has to explicitly catch it, which is a lot cleaner an easier to debug.