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How to resume spotify player playback after interrupt when app is in background?

I have an app which plays Spotify track. It works perfectly when app moves to background but when it get interrupted by 'call' or 'iOS pop-ups' it stops playing. I have added Required background modes to App plays audio in .plist. How to resume playback when interruption ended while app is in background.


  • i have used audio interruption callbacks.

    AudioSessionInitialize (NULL, NULL, interruptionListenerCallback,self);
    [[UIApplication sharedApplication] beginReceivingRemoteControlEvents];

    And after receiving interruption call play/pause method of playback manager.

    void interruptionListenerCallback (void *inUserData, UInt32 interruptionState)
    // This callback, being outside the implementation block, needs a reference
    //to the AudioPlayer object
    CustomPlayerView *controller = (__bridge CustomPlayerView *) inUserData;
    if (interruptionState == kAudioSessionBeginInterruption)
       [controller.playbackManager setIsPlaying:NO];
    else if (interruptionState == kAudioSessionEndInterruption)
       [controller.playbackManager setIsPlaying:YES];